Everyone in our family is into art so when we heard about Corel Painter Essentials' we jumped at the chance to review it. We found it easy to use and a great way to make your own presents this Holiday!
This is a great gift for a child or teen who's artistic, as they can explore Corel Painter Essentials' 90 brushes and paper textures without the mess and expense of traditional art supplies. In addition, this program is a great way for kids to create scrapbooks, paintings, or other unique artwork to give as gifts to loved ones during the holiday season.
Top pick from Parents with Style reviewers!
Parents with Style reviewers had a blast playing this game and highly suggest you pick up a game or two this Holiday Season!
This game is the first offering from McNeill Designs. This sentence-building game uses unique five-sided cards with multiple conjugations of a base word. With a hand of 10 cards, players try to score the most points per round by constructing the longest, grammatically correct, and sensible sentence. Each card used in a sentence is worth 5 points, but using some of the more difficult conjugations on the card can earn you bonus points. Any player can object to another players sentence, on either grammatical grounds, or the fact that the sentence just doesn’t make sense. The defending player and the objecting player get to argue their points to the rest of the players, who form a jury. The jury gets to vote on whether or not the sentence is acceptable. Half the fun is trying to defend, explain, and justify a completely ridiculous sentence to the other players. Accepted sentences score points, rejected sentences get you zip. First player to reach 200 points wins.
Our kids thought this game was a blast and have requested that we play this game every night. So its a winner!
13 unique Fish characters in five different colors, plus 8 unique “Zingers” that allow you to break the rules, makes “Twisted Fish” a unique game experience. The real challenge takes place when asking for the fish cards you are collecting—Now you have to be specific about the type of fish and color you are seeking. “Twisted Fish” challenges you to remember every question asked at the table. It is challenging and fun right down to the very last card!
We promise you’ll fall hook, line, and sinker! Twisted Fish offers laugh-out-loud fun for the entire family.
The Wi-Fire
No matter where I am in the house..I need the internet! So after testing Wi-Fire we highly recommend that you choose this product for all your internet needs. The product is wonderful and the range is outstanding! Easy hook up!The Wi-Fire is a compact, range-extending USB device that enables you to access a wireless Internet connection from up to 1,000 feet away–three times the range of your internal wireless adapter.
The Wi-Fire uses a powerful directional antenna, highly sensitive receiver and proprietary software to find and enhance normal WiFi signals. With it, you can connect wirelessly to the Internet–even at low signal strengths–faster, more reliably and with a more consistently strong connection–than you are able to with an internal wireless adapter.
The Wi-Fire draws very little power from your laptop battery. It comes complete with everything you need to connect wirelessly to the Internet. Just install the Wi-Fire Connection Manager, plug the Wi-Fire into an available USB port and you’re ready to start. It can rest on any flat surface, laptop display or flat screen monitor.

Why wear Yoga Sandals® Footwear?
Do your toes need a stretch? Mine did and I can honestly tell you that these SANDALS ROCK! They are so comfy and they slightly align your toes in a comfy position. Too many times we squeeze our feet into those tight forming shoes that mess up our feet. Not these...your toes will sigh in relief!
These sandals are the next level in flip-flop design. The four thongs insure the sandal will not slide around on the foot or be accidentally kicked off with sudden movement, and the support of the heel protects your arch while the slope provides ambulatory stability. With each toe gently separated, there is a natural alignment of the foot bones and muscles, aiding posture and balance. In yoga training, there is an emphasis on separating the toes in the standing postures to improve the sense of grounding and balance, and these sandals re-train the toes to do just that, while exercising the foot muscles. Countless satisfied customers have told us about Yoga Sandals® Footwear providing relief from leg, hip and spinal discomfort, while having the ease of a sandal in and out of the house. See our on-line video for more details of how these sandals work, and read the wonderful article written by Prevention Magazine, July, 2007, re-printed on our site. Click Here to View Video

Everyone is going ECO this season and we wanted to tell you to check out BOBO's collection of wraps that are gorgeous and re-usable. The only way to go this Holiday!
Inspired by the ancient Korean tradition of
wrapping with fabric called Bojagi, BOBO is...
Eco-Luxe: A multi-purpose reusable accessory that is also ultra-stylish and luxurious.
User Friendly: If you can tie your shoes you can tie a wrapping scarf. In Asia, children traditionally use wrapping scarves to wrap their lunch for school.
Convenient: No scissors, tape or other tools needed.
Multifunctioning: The wrapping scarf can wrap wine bottles, stacks of paper or a packed lunch, as easily as it can wrap gifts.
A Custom Fit: Unlike bags, the wrapping scarf adapts itself to the size and shape of the object being wrapped to create a custom fit.
Great for Small Motor Skills: Asians are famous for their dexterity with their hands. Many consider the wrapping scarf along with chopsticks to be key factors in helping develop small motor skills in children.
Sustainable: BOBO Wrapping Scarves are made in the USA in fully inspected facilities. Instead of using virgin materials to create new fabric, BOBOs are made from carefully selected fabrics that already exist in the world.
All of these products have been tested by our reviewers and we stand behind all of them. We would never recommend any product that we don't approve of. We were not paid for any of these reviews.
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